Sunday, September 28, 2008

Learning to Relax

Today has shown me that I need to learn how to relax. I apparently am wound up WAY too tight and as much as I tell myself to breathe and relax, it doesn't happen. My parents and I went up to Oktoberfest at Snowbird ski resort today and I was too stressed out to even truly enjoy myself. I think it's partly being surrounded by 4,000 strangers who's only goal is to get past us at any cost. No one seems to have any awareness of others, but maybe that's why they're all relaxed and I'm too stressed to chill out. It also adds more to my belief that I probably shouldn't have kids because I don't have any patience at all that I feel like a parent probably has to have. I think I should stick to dogs, Minnie actually adds calm and peace to my life. Even walking her and waiting for her to do her business gives me some kind of zen happiness that I don't have any other time. Is it my job? I do work A LOT. Is it here in Utah that makes me so go go go? It's a pretty fast paced place, way different from the sit-on-the-porch-watch-the-cars-go-by South of my childhood. Maybe part of it is being an only child, I will admit that I get frustrated when others don't do things according to my schedule because I never really had to worry about it. I've only tried yoga in the past as a form of excercise but maybe I need to try it to relax. I will be 29 years old on Wednesday, I can't seem to drop this weight that I've gained in the past year, my cholestorol is super high, way too high for my age, and I need to learn to relax before I go Vanilla Sky and drive off of a bridge from stress. Any ideas? let me know...

Monday, September 22, 2008

I can't wait to have patience...

My parents are coming out for a whole week and I can't wait. I don't know what all we'll do but I am going to enjoy having them here AND having a whole week off from work. That will be nice.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

She's Just Cute

The Tale of Rabbit...

This is Rabbit, this is Minnie's baby. She likes to chew on it and shake it and carry it around with her. Rabbit used to be a stuffed toy but Minnie would chew through to the stuffing and eat it, I guess it was the tootsie roll center in her lollipop. So we had to take all the stuffing out and now it's just a shell of a stuffed rabbit. But Minnie doesn't care about appearances, she loves it anyways.

Monday, September 15, 2008


This is my new car! I keep wanting to take a picture of my actual car but then I wash it and it rains, and it never rains in Utah so I think mother nature's doing it on purpose, i think she's just jealous. But this picture is pretty much what I got, I'm really excited about it.

I'm going to miss the X but after the accident, it just wasn't the same. It was going through a tank of gas (roughly $70) a week and I am just TOO poor for that. So I traded it in and the people at the Mazda place in Bountiful were super nice to work with. Now gas is only about $40 every two weeks, which has been AMAZING.

Maybe if you ask nicely, I'll give you a ride.


If you don't know, I had to find a new home for my cat Moses. He was such a snuggler but my allergies and asthma was getting so bad that it was really hard for me to breathe. And I couldn't snuggle or pet him because it was really bad on my allergies and I felt bad for the poor little guy. Anyways, he went to a really great home, the lady actually has a blog so i can follow his progress! But last night I was really really missing my little Mosey. I hope he's okay and is happy in his new home. I keep wondering if cats know what's going on, did he think I was abandoning him? Do cats even have the ability to think the way? Well, anyways, he seems to be doing well and it sounds like he's getting lots of love and hugs from the new family so I'll try to suck it up. But I do love him and I miss him.

How Cute

Another picture of Minnie with the bows...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ah sweet memories

I'm having my good friend Soozee, who is an AMAZING artist, make a painting for me incorporating this photo. It's hard to explain what exactly it's going to be so I'll include a photo when it's done. It already makes me happy to think about though because I hold this picture near and dear to my heart. I miss Pepaw so very much and think about him quite a bit. I can still picture in my head, him doing a little dance to make me laugh or the smell of his aftershave when he gave me a hug. I feel like I got so much of my personality and interests from him and he always supported me in everything creative I ever did - which is probably why I still do it. I'll never be able to really tell him how much of an influence he had on my life but I like to think he already knew.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

El Choo Choo

El Chihuahua night with the friends...

This is me and cute little Georgia (one of Soozee and Adams twins).

Soozee with Ella (twin number two).

Haley and Cynthia crazy girls.

Melissa & Soozee


So upcoming is the Video Music Awards on MTV. The problem is that I haven't seen any music videos on MTV in about 8 years so I'm not sure what they'll be giving awards for.

Pretty in Pink

Minnie got a new hair cut. I requested bows because she's so wild and crazy most of the time, I just wanted to see her looking like a little girl dog. So they went overboard and gave her bows AND a bandana. And not just any bows, bows with feathers and rhinestones and they were PINK. When she got home she went straight to her food bowl, chowed down, jumped on the couch and promptly let out a little doggy burp, pink bows and all. Also, the bows lasted about 36 minutes and 22 seconds before they started to slide out. That was a pretty good record for Minnie.