Friday, January 9, 2009

Random Things About Christmas 08

Better late than never, right?

For cousins day Carrie, Lauren, me and Sarah went to Old Salem - a Moravian settlement in Winston-Salem. I really hadn't been to Winston in years but apparently they've put a lot of money into renovation and it was actually kind of nice in downtown Winston now.

Minnie got a new collar and leash and it's pretty darn adorable.

Blake got a sign that says "The more I get to know some people - the more I like dogs."
He's pretty darn adorable.

Minnie got to eat canned dog food for the first time ever. She loved it and this was all we saw of her for about 2 minutes till it was gone. I tried to get her to look up to take a picture but that was a no-go.

Minnie also got lots of treats and a big, giant, gross bone - she got some good gifts this Christmas.

Grandpa Beck got her a chew toy that she loves.

Gordie's getting pretty old but he's hanging in there! He's still such an adorably loving dog.
Saying goodbye to him when I was leaving home this year was really hard because I couldn't help but think that maybe it would be his last. He's had a great long life though, he's part of the family.

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